Thursday, 4 August 2011

Reflection of my I.C.T journey so far.

After two terms with an interactive work station in my room I have tried many ways to use it in my daily classroom programmes.  I have used the mobi pad during maths and reading and it is highly motivating fro the students.  During instructional group teaching of maths I have one child solving the problem on the board, one in the modelling book and the others in their books. They can compare their working out with each other. This works well as everyone gets a time to work on the mobi pad. They are keen to share their working out. Found a great website for understanding fractions and some great practice games to reinforce their understanding. Excellent for extension activities for the more able and many more for the children who need lots of practice.
Found a  great web site for writing, Jenny Eather, provides a clear outline of the genre being taught anf the levles within that genre.  Children can assess their writing against the different levels- helps give them an idea of what they should be working towards in their writing. Can print out a hard copy which is helpful. 

There are so many web sites out there that it is difficult to know which one to use.  After  our P.D  day at Southwell on I.C.T this was even more evident.  After discussing this with others we all decided it would be helpful to have specific websites that we use across the school so that we gain some consistency. Another great idea is to have the children investigate the websites and provide them with grephic organisers to help them work out the best sites to use.
Term two I would like to explore how to use student voice at the start,during and end of lessons as a way of assessing their learning.  I also would like to learn how to use the capture tool more effectively. I also want to explore some of the sites that I learnt about during our P.D day. I could go on and on as I have so much to learn but I am best to try a few things and master them before I get too carried away.  I know I need to keep trying new ideas and tools.  I am very lucky with the support Marcelle amd my team give me and the patience they show me.  Thanks Team!!


  1. Wow! Gwynneth, good for you! You are really taking to this ICT thing like a duck to water:)
    I really like your idea to give children a graphic organiser and get them to review some of the sites you've been introduced to. Look forward to further conversations about this in the future.

  2. That is a good idea to get students to evaluate the sites themselves deciding what is a valuable site or not and what it does to add to their learning. It does just take practice and I know Room 11 are always keen to jump on their mobi and have a go.
    Keep us posted with the student voice aspect.
