Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Fascinating Times

Technology can be very frustrating I mean FASCINATING! This week my computer had a hissy fit and would not connect to the server. Apparently I have lost it! My wireless connection, that is. Even with a cable attached [ the old fashion way] I still couldn't connect.  Myra kindly let me use her computer.  More fascinating problems.  I could access the server but not the blue book on her computer. Persevering with this [ it is our Big Idea this term] I used the PC in my class to get my daily messages.  So talk about musical computers.  I have been using one for the blue book, one to access the server and one for the internet.  Exciting, Fascinating Times.  Hopefully the computer doctor can solve my problems tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a frustrating week you've had! it's such a pain when technology doesn't work aye! We rely on it so much, and when it doesn't work you just don't know what to do! i had the same problem with my interactive whiteboard on Thursday. Luckily i have Shane next door so he often solves my ICT problems - he's such a wealth of knowledge in this area, maybe see if he can help with your laptop problem?
