Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Reflection on moderation meeting at Pukete School.

It is always refreshing to leave our familiar environment and visit another school.  It was interesting, after discussion with the Pukete teachers, to see that we had similar challenges when we were assessing children's writing. How do we assess the child who uses amazing language including detail, personal voice, language features etc but has 'appalling'[sp] spelling and punctuation? As far as moderation goes I think we were on the same page, however over all I thought we were harder on our pupils.  I think we focus more on the purpose of writing and the details used in a piece of writing since our P.D with Anne Grady. We link our writing to our Big Idea which gives it an authenic setting. Our increased knowledge of the writing process [ developing rubrics, analysis of data ] has enabled us to make a more informed decision about a piece of writing. Maybe we need to explore O.T.J.'s more so that we can use these to assess the child who does not fit easily into a level.

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