Tuesday, 31 May 2011

childrens blogs 2

I want to know if there is a quick way to acess my childrens blogs so that I can make comments.  Do I have to sign into each individual blog to make a comment?


  1. This is something that I have been trying to work out as well Gwynneth! I have managed to succeed in staying logged on and switching between lots of blogs to make entries - it worked really well. I hope it stays like this@!!

  2. I have work out how to do acess my children's blogs quickly. Yeah! My next issue is how to keep up with regular post on all my children's blogs. I have posted a question on our staff blog to see if anyone has a bright idea.I am looking forward to hearing people's ideas.

  3. I like the idea you shared at our middle syn mtg today about how you have one computer logged on as you in the ICT suite so you can easily make comments on your chn's blogs!!! Great idea!!! Way to go Gwynneth :)
