Tuesday, 28 May 2013

In awe

I am in awe of all our competent teachers who have this vast knowledge of the internet world.  Everyday there is something new to learn. I have decided not to go on twitter because I would rather spend my time getting my head around all the new apps on the I pad and I pod.  I want to be able to use these easily as part of my maths and literacy programmes to enhance the children's learning. I have some wonderfully keen students who are very clever at learning new skills and love to teach the class and me these skills. A great help to me! I would love to visit other classes to see how they are using the I pad to enhance learning. Will see if this can be arranged.

1 comment:

  1. What a great session this afternoon was with Te Kowhai for this. Krystal and I were talking afterwards and said how we need to share more across the school. We are good at sharing new apps or tools that work well in our teams but need to do more of it across the school maybe? I liked how this afternoon one teacher from Te Kowhai showed pic collage. We are all quite confident in using this now but it was great to see it being used in another way and perhaps more of a reflective tool of what they learnt rather than just a showcase of sports or art etc.
    From Danielle
