Monday, 30 January 2012

Learning @School Conference - reflections

How to use Solo Taxonomy to 'feed up "to raise student's achievement.
While this title sounds a little heavy solo is actually a very simple way to assess children's learning at different levels. I had heard Pam Hook speak a few years ago and liked what she said although it was pitched at a high school level. This time I could see how to use this taxonomy in our primary classes. While I don't like the names of each of the stages,prestructural,unistructural,multistructural,relational,extened abstract, the signs that can be used by the children to help explain their level of understanding are great.  The idea of solo is to provide the child identify their learning strengths and needs with clear stages of understanding by writing a clear rubric for the topic.  They can see very easily how they can move from understanding nothing or one thing through to knowing a lot of things and then being able to use that knowledge and apply it to another situation or creative idea to show that they have a deeper understanding of the concept being taught.  The children become more skilled in making Where to next? decisions. I am going to try this taxonomy when teaching the golden rules.  I will share this with my team and get them to trial it to see if it works with our kids.  I know Danielle and Robyn are keen to trial this too. 
Hooked on Thinking - Pam Hook will be on line in a few weeks .

1 comment:

  1. I saw how excited you were after that particular session (or breakout..makes me think of a prison breakout) I am looking forward to some of the sharing at staff level where we can find out the things we can utilise in the classroom.
    I am actually feeling somewhat more motivated now that I have three computers that work! Then I will have the next challenge of using the interactive whiteboard in the classsroom. Watch this space...I hope.
