Tuesday, 31 May 2011

childrens blogs 2

I want to know if there is a quick way to acess my childrens blogs so that I can make comments.  Do I have to sign into each individual blog to make a comment?

childrens blogs

Having the time to make worthwhile comments on my children's blogs has been a challenge for me.  Maybe I need to set time aside each week for this. I wonder what other teachers do?  Will ask at staff meeting this week.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

capturing an image

I tried to capture an image from the internet of the wind to put onto a blank page for my writing lesson.  No success. I will have to have another lesson so that I can master this skill.
My I.C.T experts in my class have posted a wall wisher on our class blog.  Will try it with the class tomorrow.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

My Wall Wisher

My First Post on my blog.

Here I go on my I.C.T. journey. I now realise that an old dog can learn new tricks and it is fun!! Thanks Marcelle annd all my young colleagues for helping me get started on my challenge.